Tucker June 26, 2019 Updated: June 26, 2019 3:57 p.m.
San Francisco school board unanimously voted Tuesday to
destroy a controversial school mural featuring slaves and
a dead Native American, saying the removal equates to
necessary reparations for historic wrongs. …
might be art and it can also be racist; it can be both,”
said board member Alison Collins. “It’s not just about
removing them from public view, it’s also about righting a
over the mural would cost at least $600,000, with the
majority of the cost in producing an environmental impact
people wonder why California can’t build high-speed rail …
In addition, supporters of the mural have vowed to sue if
the board voted to destroy it and legal costs could add to
the cost, district officials said.
options included covering the mural with panels, which
would cost up to $825,000, or obscuring it with curtains,
which would have cost up to $375,000.
can cover it with curtains for the low, low, lowest bid
price of $374,000. San Francisco, call me!
Supporters argued the historic work, painted by Russian
emigre Victor Arnautoff, is an important piece of art that
is actually critical of oppression and imperialism and
that destroying it or covering it equates to book burning.
was a Communist
Party USA member. He led an eventful life. The son of
an Orthodox priest in Russia, he became a White Russian
cavalry officer, then the cavalry colonel for a Chinese
warlord. In Mexico, he became the assistant to the famous
Stalinist painter Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo’s husband. He
moved to San Francisco and was hired to paint Rivera-like
murals by the New Deal Works Progress Administration. During
the McCarthy Era, Republicans tried to get him fired from
Stanford, but the university didn’t heed them. In the early
1960s, he retired from teaching art at Stanford and moved to
the Soviet Union, where he died in Leningrad in 1979.
Critics, including students and community groups, called
for the 1,600-square-foot mural to be painted over with
white paint
in 2029, San Francisco will pay $3.75 million to paint over
the white paint with anti-racist beige paint.
But it’s a poorly executed painting, in my opinion, with a brutal
political message only a commie could like. Look at that Indian on
the ground. He’s so badly rendered I’m not even sure if he’s on
his back or on his stomach.
I’d vote to replace it with a mural featuring an all-black cast
of characters showing one set of Africans selling another set into
slavery. Executed by the Chinese guy who made the MLK statue on
the Capitol Mall in DC.
OK, I went over to Sherwin-Williams paint calculator. 1600 square
feet, we will need four gallons per coat. Let’s say we need two
coats, so that’s 8 gallons. Lowes sells Valspar Pro ExpressCoat
Flat Antique, white latex for 10.98 per gallon. So, all told, we
need to spend approximately $88.00 on paint. Double that for drop
clots, brushes, rollers, etc we should be able to do this job for
about $170 in materials.
Well, I’m leaving home and going to San Francisco to take up
A left wing artist paints a left wing mural and angry left wing
radicals want it destroyed because it is right wing. And it will
cost$875K to deface the third rate art work. And they will spend
weeks of meeting time arguing loudly about it. And it will all
pale in importance to smashing another Robert E Lee statue, which
is their supreme act of virtue and courage.
Can’t we just beat these people and move on?
I posted this a few days ago______I did not know for sure about
the WPA angle but turns out I was right.
If it’s white, it just ain’t right.
Obviously the white history denigrating, denying numpties were not
happy enough with tearing down old Confederate war memorial
statues and painting over exquisite murals of George
Washington, that were probably painted as part of FDR’s
socialist WPA. Happening in a California school
Thanks Steve. Damn right this was a communist FDR series of
China already has 200 million public surveillance cameras
China land area: 3,600,000 square miles
Surveillance cameras per square mile: 55.5.
Mathematically, that would be one camera every 0.133 miles. If
they were equally spaced out (one camera every 0.133 miles), you
could never be more than about 80 seconds’ walk from a Communist
surveillance camera, assuming 20 minutes to walk a mile
(([0.133/2]*20)*60). And that’s to walk all the way up to the
camera itself. Less for being within the view of one.
Yeah replace these George Washington murals with something more
Mexican appropriate. Such as Aztec priests cutting out captured
warrior’s hearts with obsidian knives and raising them to their
blood thirsting sun god.
Oh, but you smug San Franciscans just had to gentrify and push
out the black residents, DINTCHA?
You could have had the whole mural painted over with graffiti by
the gangs within a week, FOR FREE, but NO, you had to drive out
the blacks. Heck of a job, Blondies!
The ridiculousness of these cost quotes aside, I wish that Commie
painter were alive today to see his fellow cultural revolutionists
tear his stuff down. It’s worth every bit of the $372,000 that
I’ll bid.
BTW, I’ve not seen gallons of paint for $11 in years, Daniel. You
can save some buying 5-gallon containers, were you a prudent San
Francisco school board member. Is that indoor latex, BTW? For
outside paint, I’m here to tell you, 15 year paint lasts 5 years,
5 year paint lasts 2 years … etc.
“The San Francisco school board unanimously voted Tuesday to
destroy a controversial school mural featuring slaves
and a dead Native American, saying the removal equates
to necessary reparations for historic wrongs. …”
I wonder who it is that the murals are triggering? Prior to
looking up info on the school I was going to suggest leaving the
respray work for the San Francisco LowRider Council to handle.
George Washington High
600 32nd Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Compare with other schools in San Francisco
District: San Francisco Unified
Grades: 9-12
CSR Rank: 9 out of 102
Student Ethnicity:
Asian 60%
Hispanic or Latino 17.56%
White 8.16%
Filipino 4.48% African American 3.83%
Not reported 3.53%
Two or More Races 1.59%
Pacific Islander 0.55% American Indian 0.3%
When these guys get going, they’ll make the Taliban and Khmer
Rouge look like pikers. Maybe at her inauguration, Kamala
Marijuana Pepsi will dynamite the Washington Monument.
A little OT: Diego Rivera actually got in trouble with the
Stalinists for supporting Trotsky. While in Mexico, Trotsky lived
with Diego Rivera and even had an affair with his famous wife,
Frida Kahlo.
There’s no more clear indication of America’s decadence and loss
of can-do attitude that the fact that simply painting over a wall
can cost such an astronomical amount of money. No wonder
everything is outsourced to the Chinese.
Also the obsession with destroying any remnant of the past that
might remotely appear “racist” is now becoming a form of insanity.
I don’t see what’s racist about the mural. Is now simply featuring
slaves “racist”?
Should we deny that slavery ever existed?
Maybe one of the slaves should have a blond woman on his arm, to
promote mixed couples, and then it would be alright?
Imagine if the Italians started destroying the Colosseum because
“Romans were racist and had slaves”.
As demented as Europeans have become, there is still a general
respect for the past. At least for now. I’m aware that globalists
hate that too.
In my opinion, all commie murals should be painted over. If the
disgusting leftists of San Francisco want to waste hundreds of
thousands of dollars in the process of doing my bidding, who am I
to complain.
Gravy on top if a few White blue-collar painters get paid in the
A Stalin-sent hit squad led by a famous painter shot up Rivera’s
house with submachine guns trying to kill Trotsky, but missed. I
think maybe they killed one of Trotsky’s grandchildren.
But after Trotsky got icepicked, Rivera and Kahlo decided it was
a good idea to announce that they’d been for murdering Trotsky.
The school board had better tread carefully. Almost all states
have public art preservation statutes that govern the alteration
or removal of public art. It may not be legal to destroy the mural
without approval from the state commission that regulates public
Also, the artist’s estate may still hold the copyright in the
work. Destroying it without permission could subject the school
district to damages.
Fresco painting has always fascinated me. It seems so difficult,
and the work becomes one with the wall. These high school murals
seem very well done. Couldn’t there have been a way to make them a
“teachable moment”?
I hope that the budget for removal includes money to
professionally photograph the works in detail, and publish a book
in them. Where are the tech billionaires now? They funded Willy
Brown High School, which was just another “fix black people” money
hole failure. How about funded the removal and relocation of the
I also hope that the removal is widely covered in the
international press. San Francisco deserves to be humiliated as
the idiot city that it is.I
It probably would have been better to just let extremists
vandalize the works, just like with statues. Then remove what’s
These “costs” are largely a scam. Environmental Impact Study =
Friends of Some Politico who are being rewarded for their support.
If they were serious, they’d run a story that Viktor was secretly
a White Nationalist, and have the police stand down while AntiFa
or whoever take it down for free, as is the case with Confederate
memorials elsewhere.
Of course, if the AntiFa do enough damage, then the politicos can
reward their construction and environmental impact study friends
even more city money. Winning!
I wonder if there is some plausible legal theory under which the
contracters and their employees could be directly sued, bypassing
the school district, for violation of artwork preservation laws or
something? Preservationists could make an announcement of their
plans at a press conference, and soon the school district could
find themselves without any way implementing their decision, short
of putting on the old overalls themselves, or hiring sanctuary
city Mexicans who don’t know any better, at which point on-site
preservationist protestors could don ICE windbreakers.
The 14 photos of the hearing at the San Francisco Chronicle that
Steve linked to are worth a look. There is quite an
anti-destruction contingent. They look white, reasonably affluent,
and their signs suggest a classical liberal view. The burn-it-down
contingent includes no or virtually no blacks, a few SJW looking
types, maybe college or antifa age, but mostly what look to me
like stocky, five-foot Mexican or Central American types. Who are
these people?
Having watched the New York Amazon HQ2 hearings and having done
some background research on that, I realize that these hearing are
attended by all kinds of crazy people and lots of activists, some
having little to do with the issue. Kind of like the protests in Bonfire
of the Vanities. But I really wonder who is behind both
sides of this issue? It seems like something that should be
subject to a public vote by the citizens. Is there a way to may an
outcome like that happen?
I take your point to be that even with the firearms (here in
Britain the populace really is totally disarmed) we are going to
stand helplessly by as first our culture and then we ourselves are
And, based upon the level of (non) resistance so far, who’s to
say you are wrong?
In [the episode] “The Camel”, City Hall decides to paint over
the “Spirit of Pawnee” because it has been repeatedly vandalized
due to its racist undertones. However, all of the departments’
murals are horrible and the “Spirit of Pawnee” mural is instead
renamed to “The Diversity Express”.
Perhaps a simple renaming could solve San Francisco’s problems.
Call the mural “We Seethe With Rage at America’s History.”
Wouldn’t that make everyone happy?
“Orpah Winfrey describes racism as the everyday wearing down of
the soul,” he said. “I thought about tens of thousands of
students who had walked by that mural over and over and over
Orpah? I’ve noticed that newspapers no longer employ
I experience the everyday wearing down of my soul when I see what
progressives are doing to Western civilization, but nobody cares
about my feelings.
Trotsky left a lasting impression upon the halls of academe. I
shit you not, the Trostkyites still have a student group across
the bay at UC Berkeley, an open air asylum.
They’re doing a lot of damage, but the decay in news has to do
largely with the collapse of newspaper revenue from classifieds.
It’s a lot cheaper to hire a few people fresh out of college to
churn out articles on ‘Why My Hair is Intersectional’ than it is
to send them around town figuring out why the local nursing home
spends so much money but gives such awful care, and less likely to
annoy the rich family that owns the nursing home.
Wanting to sleep around the way men used to has been a big
motivator for many feminists. (The other big one is wanting to
make their own money.)
The catch is, of course, they get annoyed when they get dumped,
and decide it’s patriarchy, or decide they prefer other women, or
I am convinced that if Western Civ had found a better solution
for making masculine women happy we would have avoided a lot of
trouble. Oh well, at least it should provide some amusement to the
historians in 22nd century Beijing. “And here is how the baizuo
wrecked their culture…”
This definitely plays a role – when I was young and attending a
diverse and vibrant public school, there was a lot of debate
between black students about who was ‘real’ versus not 100% black,
some of it centered around their skin tone.
Also worth mentioning with Curry though is that a lot of NBA
players grew up in genuinely tough circumstances, and Curry was a
rich kid, so on top of his color he no doubt had a childhood that
99% of the kids in this country couldn’t touch.
I sometimes wonder if having the right to bear arms makes us
complacent since we think we are protected with that
ace-in-the-hole if things ever got bad. You hear guys talking
about how things taking place overseas could not happen here
because our government would never try that stuff on an armed
population. But then you watch as rights, and things we took for
granted, are eroded slowly but surely.
I can’t imagine what will happen when the left gets a 5-4 Supreme
Court decision stating that the 2nd amendment is a group right,
not an individual’s. Eleven years ago we only got a 5-4 decision that supported an individual right.
It won’t take much to flip the court the other way. At that point
our right to bear will be illegal, but it will have been
accomplished legally and constitutionally. So what happens? Do
cons tell us we have to obey the constitution?
Mao, I think, once stated that power flows through the barrel of
a gun. That might have been true, but I don’t think it is now. For
all the guns we have, we don’t seem to be getting much power
flowing out of them.
We can’t leave all those AA Environmental Engineers rotting in
their African Students Unions. Environmental Impact Studies are
just another name for things they do together.
Wow, I had no idea they were that extensive. I suppose there’s
something “problematic” to be found in every one of them.
But if you want to really see problematic, check out the murals
in the lobby of the old San Francisco Post Office (now a food
court for the lunchtime office crowd, known as the Rincon Center)
down at Mission and Spear. The general theme there is the white
man/Anglo conquering California from the Injuns and the Mexicans.
Well yeah, men have been trying to make women happy since the
stone age.
“You can’t make someone (else) happy” is a psychiatric standby
from way back. Doesn’t make it less true. Happens to jive with
rediscovery of manhood by online dissidents.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” only if you
are willing to use it. The Left is more prone to violence than the
Right. Even in WW II, it was the communists in France that were
most willing to fight the Nazi occupiers and communists in
Malaysia who fought the Japanese. Leftists are animated by anger
and a resentment of the status quo. By nature, people on the right
are more law abiding and respectful of authority. They may be more
dangerous when violent because of military experience and/or
familiarity with firearms, but they are less prone to lash out.
From the San Francisco Chronicle:
And people wonder why California can’t build high-speed rail …
I can cover it with curtains for the low, low, lowest bid price of $374,000. San Francisco, call me!
Arnautoff was a Communist Party USA member. He led an eventful life. The son of an Orthodox priest in Russia, he became a White Russian cavalry officer, then the cavalry colonel for a Chinese warlord. In Mexico, he became the assistant to the famous Stalinist painter Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo’s husband. He moved to San Francisco and was hired to paint Rivera-like murals by the New Deal Works Progress Administration. During the McCarthy Era, Republicans tried to get him fired from Stanford, but the university didn’t heed them. In the early 1960s, he retired from teaching art at Stanford and moved to the Soviet Union, where he died in Leningrad in 1979.
Probably in 2029, San Francisco will pay $3.75 million to paint over the white paint with anti-racist beige paint.
Those costs are just eye-popping.
But it’s a poorly executed painting, in my opinion, with a brutal political message only a commie could like. Look at that Indian on the ground. He’s so badly rendered I’m not even sure if he’s on his back or on his stomach.
I’d vote to replace it with a mural featuring an all-black cast of characters showing one set of Africans selling another set into slavery. Executed by the Chinese guy who made the MLK statue on the Capitol Mall in DC.
Not nearly as bad as the murals from the show “Parks & Recreation.”
I’ll paint it over for 200 bucks,call me.
OK, I went over to Sherwin-Williams paint calculator. 1600 square feet, we will need four gallons per coat. Let’s say we need two coats, so that’s 8 gallons. Lowes sells Valspar Pro ExpressCoat Flat Antique, white latex for 10.98 per gallon. So, all told, we need to spend approximately $88.00 on paint. Double that for drop clots, brushes, rollers, etc we should be able to do this job for about $170 in materials.
Well, I’m leaving home and going to San Francisco to take up painting.
Looks like the USSA has already implemented its own social credit system with less fanfare than our ChiCom friends:
A left wing artist paints a left wing mural and angry left wing radicals want it destroyed because it is right wing. And it will cost$875K to deface the third rate art work. And they will spend weeks of meeting time arguing loudly about it. And it will all pale in importance to smashing another Robert E Lee statue, which is their supreme act of virtue and courage.
Can’t we just beat these people and move on?
I posted this a few days ago______I did not know for sure about the WPA angle but turns out I was right.
If it’s white, it just ain’t right.
Obviously the white history denigrating, denying numpties were not happy enough with tearing down old Confederate war memorial statues and painting over exquisite murals of George Washington, that were probably painted as part of FDR’s socialist WPA. Happening in a California school
Thanks Steve. Damn right this was a communist FDR series of murals
Oh, no, I just heard that somebody else undercut me with a bid to put up curtains for only $373,000 and got the contract from the city.
Damn you, Willie Brown!
Liberals are burning books and censoring their Communism.
Trump Derangement Syndrome, indeed.
China land area: 3,600,000 square miles
Surveillance cameras per square mile: 55.5.
Mathematically, that would be one camera every 0.133 miles. If they were equally spaced out (one camera every 0.133 miles), you could never be more than about 80 seconds’ walk from a Communist surveillance camera, assuming 20 minutes to walk a mile (([0.133/2]*20)*60). And that’s to walk all the way up to the camera itself. Less for being within the view of one.
The murals at George Washington High are really nice. I wonder if they’re going to paint over all the mural sections.

Why not replace it with a picture of Wakanda?
Yeah replace these George Washington murals with something more Mexican appropriate. Such as Aztec priests cutting out captured warrior’s hearts with obsidian knives and raising them to their blood thirsting sun god.
Commies always eat their own, if you just let them.
Good riddance. These evil man’s legacy will be destroyed by the evil descendants he championed and spawned.
Rot in Hades, commie.
Oh, but you smug San Franciscans just had to gentrify and push out the black residents, DINTCHA?
You could have had the whole mural painted over with graffiti by the gangs within a week, FOR FREE, but NO, you had to drive out the blacks. Heck of a job, Blondies!
The ridiculousness of these cost quotes aside, I wish that Commie painter were alive today to see his fellow cultural revolutionists tear his stuff down. It’s worth every bit of the $372,000 that I’ll bid.
BTW, I’ve not seen gallons of paint for $11 in years, Daniel. You can save some buying 5-gallon containers, were you a prudent San Francisco school board member. Is that indoor latex, BTW? For outside paint, I’m here to tell you, 15 year paint lasts 5 years, 5 year paint lasts 2 years … etc.
I wonder who it is that the murals are triggering? Prior to looking up info on the school I was going to suggest leaving the respray work for the San Francisco LowRider Council to handle.
George Washington High
600 32nd Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Compare with other schools in San Francisco
District: San Francisco Unified
Grades: 9-12
CSR Rank: 9 out of 102
Student Ethnicity:
Asian 60%
Hispanic or Latino 17.56%
White 8.16%
Filipino 4.48%
African American 3.83%
Not reported 3.53%
Two or More Races 1.59%
Pacific Islander 0.55%
American Indian 0.3%
When these guys get going, they’ll make the Taliban and Khmer Rouge look like pikers. Maybe at her inauguration, Kamala Marijuana Pepsi will dynamite the Washington Monument.
It’s too bad we don’t have firearms to defend ourselves.
A little OT: Diego Rivera actually got in trouble with the Stalinists for supporting Trotsky. While in Mexico, Trotsky lived with Diego Rivera and even had an affair with his famous wife, Frida Kahlo.
There’s no more clear indication of America’s decadence and loss of can-do attitude that the fact that simply painting over a wall can cost such an astronomical amount of money. No wonder everything is outsourced to the Chinese.
Also the obsession with destroying any remnant of the past that might remotely appear “racist” is now becoming a form of insanity.
I don’t see what’s racist about the mural. Is now simply featuring slaves “racist”?
Should we deny that slavery ever existed?
Maybe one of the slaves should have a blond woman on his arm, to promote mixed couples, and then it would be alright?
Imagine if the Italians started destroying the Colosseum because “Romans were racist and had slaves”.
As demented as Europeans have become, there is still a general respect for the past. At least for now. I’m aware that globalists hate that too.
Pro mooch tip: Buy several gallons of light mis-mixed paint, and mix them all together to give a nice even light fecal dun.
In my opinion, all commie murals should be painted over. If the disgusting leftists of San Francisco want to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process of doing my bidding, who am I to complain.
Gravy on top if a few White blue-collar painters get paid in the process.
Just repaint Washington as a black rapper, and all will be well.
Mural painters: America, you suck!
Mural defacers: Okay, America sucks, but so do you!
I like this one.
A Stalin-sent hit squad led by a famous painter shot up Rivera’s house with submachine guns trying to kill Trotsky, but missed. I think maybe they killed one of Trotsky’s grandchildren.
But after Trotsky got icepicked, Rivera and Kahlo decided it was a good idea to announce that they’d been for murdering Trotsky.
The school board had better tread carefully. Almost all states have public art preservation statutes that govern the alteration or removal of public art. It may not be legal to destroy the mural without approval from the state commission that regulates public art.
Also, the artist’s estate may still hold the copyright in the work. Destroying it without permission could subject the school district to damages.
Among other reasons, some black NBA players don’t like Steph Curry because he has light skin.
Some things are more important than money. Like not having YOUR daughter give birth to the next Barry Sotero.
Sic Semper Virginem! A slogan everyone can get behind.
Fresco painting has always fascinated me. It seems so difficult, and the work becomes one with the wall. These high school murals seem very well done. Couldn’t there have been a way to make them a “teachable moment”?
I hope that the budget for removal includes money to professionally photograph the works in detail, and publish a book in them. Where are the tech billionaires now? They funded Willy Brown High School, which was just another “fix black people” money hole failure. How about funded the removal and relocation of the frescoes.
I also hope that the removal is widely covered in the international press. San Francisco deserves to be humiliated as the idiot city that it is.I
It probably would have been better to just let extremists vandalize the works, just like with statues. Then remove what’s left.
These “costs” are largely a scam. Environmental Impact Study = Friends of Some Politico who are being rewarded for their support.
If they were serious, they’d run a story that Viktor was secretly a White Nationalist, and have the police stand down while AntiFa or whoever take it down for free, as is the case with Confederate memorials elsewhere.
Of course, if the AntiFa do enough damage, then the politicos can reward their construction and environmental impact study friends even more city money. Winning!
I wonder if there is some plausible legal theory under which the contracters and their employees could be directly sued, bypassing the school district, for violation of artwork preservation laws or something? Preservationists could make an announcement of their plans at a press conference, and soon the school district could find themselves without any way implementing their decision, short of putting on the old overalls themselves, or hiring sanctuary city Mexicans who don’t know any better, at which point on-site preservationist protestors could don ICE windbreakers.
The 14 photos of the hearing at the San Francisco Chronicle that Steve linked to are worth a look. There is quite an anti-destruction contingent. They look white, reasonably affluent, and their signs suggest a classical liberal view. The burn-it-down contingent includes no or virtually no blacks, a few SJW looking types, maybe college or antifa age, but mostly what look to me like stocky, five-foot Mexican or Central American types. Who are these people?
Having watched the New York Amazon HQ2 hearings and having done some background research on that, I realize that these hearing are attended by all kinds of crazy people and lots of activists, some having little to do with the issue. Kind of like the protests in Bonfire of the Vanities. But I really wonder who is behind both sides of this issue? It seems like something that should be subject to a public vote by the citizens. Is there a way to may an outcome like that happen?
I take your point to be that even with the firearms (here in Britain the populace really is totally disarmed) we are going to stand helplessly by as first our culture and then we ourselves are eliminated.
And, based upon the level of (non) resistance so far, who’s to say you are wrong?
I just wonder when George Washington’s name, memory and image will be ‘damned and obliterated’ – in the ancient Roman sense ?
After all the man was quite a slave owner.
Will it be by 2050 or 2100 or 2150?.
Willing to take all bets – but *surely* it’s an *inevitability*.
The most sinister aspect of this affair is the unanimous vote by the school board.
Each member knows the danger of dissent.
In [the episode] “The Camel”, City Hall decides to paint over the “Spirit of Pawnee” because it has been repeatedly vandalized due to its racist undertones. However, all of the departments’ murals are horrible and the “Spirit of Pawnee” mural is instead renamed to “The Diversity Express”.
Perhaps a simple renaming could solve San Francisco’s problems. Call the mural “We Seethe With Rage at America’s History.” Wouldn’t that make everyone happy?
Instead of curtains, why not allow some of the city’s legion of homeless drug addicts to erect a tent city in front of the mural, obscuring it?
From the article:
Orpah? I’ve noticed that newspapers no longer employ proofreaders.
I experience the everyday wearing down of my soul when I see what progressives are doing to Western civilization, but nobody cares about my feelings.
They own the universities and schools, where they turn the next generation left-wing. So no.
Trotsky left a lasting impression upon the halls of academe. I shit you not, the Trostkyites still have a student group across the bay at UC Berkeley, an open air asylum.
They’re doing a lot of damage, but the decay in news has to do largely with the collapse of newspaper revenue from classifieds. It’s a lot cheaper to hire a few people fresh out of college to churn out articles on ‘Why My Hair is Intersectional’ than it is to send them around town figuring out why the local nursing home spends so much money but gives such awful care, and less likely to annoy the rich family that owns the nursing home.
From what I’ve heard, most everyone had an affair with Frida.
Where is this taking place? Sardinia?
Minority set asides………so make that 400 bucks …….gotta share with the black /jewish LGBT disabled woman.
Wanting to sleep around the way men used to has been a big motivator for many feminists. (The other big one is wanting to make their own money.)
The catch is, of course, they get annoyed when they get dumped, and decide it’s patriarchy, or decide they prefer other women, or both.
I am convinced that if Western Civ had found a better solution for making masculine women happy we would have avoided a lot of trouble. Oh well, at least it should provide some amusement to the historians in 22nd century Beijing. “And here is how the baizuo wrecked their culture…”
This definitely plays a role – when I was young and attending a diverse and vibrant public school, there was a lot of debate between black students about who was ‘real’ versus not 100% black, some of it centered around their skin tone.
Also worth mentioning with Curry though is that a lot of NBA players grew up in genuinely tough circumstances, and Curry was a rich kid, so on top of his color he no doubt had a childhood that 99% of the kids in this country couldn’t touch.
Yes, that was the point I was trying to make.
I sometimes wonder if having the right to bear arms makes us complacent since we think we are protected with that ace-in-the-hole if things ever got bad. You hear guys talking about how things taking place overseas could not happen here because our government would never try that stuff on an armed population. But then you watch as rights, and things we took for granted, are eroded slowly but surely.
I can’t imagine what will happen when the left gets a 5-4 Supreme Court decision stating that the 2nd amendment is a group right, not an individual’s. Eleven years ago we only got a 5-4 decision that supported an individual right. It won’t take much to flip the court the other way. At that point our right to bear will be illegal, but it will have been accomplished legally and constitutionally. So what happens? Do cons tell us we have to obey the constitution?
Mao, I think, once stated that power flows through the barrel of a gun. That might have been true, but I don’t think it is now. For all the guns we have, we don’t seem to be getting much power flowing out of them.
We can’t leave all those AA Environmental Engineers rotting in their African Students Unions. Environmental Impact Studies are just another name for things they do together.
Trying to make people happy is doing manhood wrong.
People who want to live in their own country, not George Washington’s.
Trump’s answer on the liberalism question was widely derided by the usually suspect, but is sure makes plenty of sense to those paying attention.
Or maybe they meant “Orca”.
Wow, I had no idea they were that extensive. I suppose there’s something “problematic” to be found in every one of them.
But if you want to really see problematic, check out the murals in the lobby of the old San Francisco Post Office (now a food court for the lunchtime office crowd, known as the Rincon Center) down at Mission and Spear. The general theme there is the white man/Anglo conquering California from the Injuns and the Mexicans.
I suppose you’re right, though for some reason, the old ways failed.
They could have Christo cover it with a curtain and call it a new work of art.
Christo’s Valley Curtain, 1972, Rifle, Colorado

Well yeah, men have been trying to make women happy since the stone age.
“You can’t make someone (else) happy” is a psychiatric standby from way back. Doesn’t make it less true. Happens to jive with rediscovery of manhood by online dissidents.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” only if you are willing to use it. The Left is more prone to violence than the Right. Even in WW II, it was the communists in France that were most willing to fight the Nazi occupiers and communists in Malaysia who fought the Japanese. Leftists are animated by anger and a resentment of the status quo. By nature, people on the right are more law abiding and respectful of authority. They may be more dangerous when violent because of military experience and/or familiarity with firearms, but they are less prone to lash out.